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One on One Private Personal Training
Come experience the awe-inspiring aliveness and full wholistic body connection that Stretching Resistance Fitness offers. One on one mindful attention. Integrating the disciplines of yoga, calisthenics and martial dance-like movement. We will be incorporating the four tools, the rings, the ropes, the staff and bungees in incredibly dynamic ways to get your body into its optimal fitness state. We will begin to assess how your body moves as a whole. Strategically integrating the upper and lower torsos. Using both eccentric, concentric and isometric movements to both stretch and strengthen every single muscle in your body. All body types, all ages are welcome.
Single session in Maui-$125 (additional traveling fee may be included if done at certain Maui home residences)
75 min.
in-person (your choice at home or in nature)
Skype (Gymnastic rings installation required before)
A Month of Mindfulness-4 sessions-$395
One month is all that is needed to unlock the secret fitness skills that this mindful movement provides. Each session will focus on how each of the four main principles (Stretching Strengthening Breathing and Balancing) can be incorporated into your every day lifestyle. Give yourself the opportunity to become more integrated and connected to your wholistic body and feel more alive than ever before. Nutritional support included.
Skype (required tools and ring setup) a 6 foot staff, two yoga blocks, rings installed, two bungees 10 feet in length (optional trampoline)
90 day Fitness Health transformation-12 sessions-$297 per month
Body and health transformations require three things: consistency, an optimal strategy and incredible support.
Every human’s body and mind are unique and require their own one-of-a-kind personal strategy to unlock their deeper health potentials. With a 90 day commitment to one’s fitness and health, we will together use the full powers of this mindful movement to create new wellness habits and positive lifestyle patterns especially as it comes to your nutritional and fitness areas of life. Each session will include 15 minutes of nutritional consulting and 60 minutes of 1 on 1 private fitness instruction.
2 individuals-$150 (additional traveling fee may be included if done at certain Maui home residences)
The whole premise of stretching resistance fitness is that we will feel more alive and connected and optimally grow when we stretch and resist together as one. This mindful movement is designed as partner movement, so bring a friend, your partner, your lover and experience the wholstic full-body fitness that Stretching Resistance offers.
2+-additional $50 per person
Coaching/Life mentoring packages
Fitness is more than just an activity, its a lifestyle. And life is much more than just fitness. We can use fitness to help us better navigate life, but sometimes we need a little more support beyond how we care for our physical bodies. We also need to learn how to keep our minds and spirits fit. And to do that, we must assess the three questions.
Why are you here?
Where are you going?
What’s preventing you from getting there?
Once we discover the true answer to these three questions, we then start the real work. And that is, how to work with our life experience in new ways, to find new empowering methods in our everyday routines that will build a life of greater fulfillment, success and achievement—the way you define that!
Introductory session-125
30 day Lifestyle Management (4 sessions) – $395
90 day lifestyle Transformation- $297/month
1 day retreats on Maui
Looking for an immersive experience. A hearty wholesome adventure while you are on the most incredible island in the world? Take a day of health for just you and/or you partner to become ever more alive and connected. Learn to use your body(s) in new and fascinating ways. Stretch your mind(s) and spirit(s) to discover powerful hidden potentials.
Customizable retreats starting at $499 for individuals, $699 for partners
Includes: a two hour personal training in nature, a Norwalk juice cleanse add on, Lomilomi massage and a lifestyle coaching session.
Example of the retreat day:
8:45 Juice cleanse start
9-11 personal training in an exotic nature location on maui
11-1 Lunch
1-3 lifestyle coaching session
3-4 downtime
4-6 Lomilomi massage
Vinyasa Yoga— 1-on-1 Private yoga
Flow rhythm breath balance. The heart and core of any great mindful movement. Come experience the essence and full aliveness of these principles in action, in person, on Maui with the most gentle yoga instructor—Ariana Hornkohl.
75 min-$125 (additional traveling fee may be included if done at certain Maui home residences)